
Grades:  3rd, 4th & 5th

Advisor:  Ms. Maddox

Rehearsals:  Fall rehearsals will begin on Monday, October 21.

The KRES Chorus is open to 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade students.  Participation requires that the student is passing all subjects and "Spreads their Wings" at KRES.    Chorus applications/permission slips are now being accepted until October 3rd. Membership is limited to 30 students per grade. Students will perform several times during the year on campus and off campus.


TBA - Sing The National Anthem off Campus TBA

March 15 at 2 PM - TAG (Trojan Arts Gala) Chorus students will present two songs form our musical. Rehearsal is on the 14th from 1:30 - 2:30. Students will be transported by bus to and from the High School. The TAG performance is on Saturday March 15th, the program begins at 2 PM. Students will need to be at the High School by 1:30 PM. Please wear jeans, and a blue KRES shirt (chorus shirt if you have one from last year).

March 27th & 28th at 6 PM in the Cafeteria - Disney Kids Musical Performance of "101 Dalmations" See Cast List & Rehearsal Calendar

April 25 Wild Adventures Field Trip (more information to come)

edited 03-09-2025